
Get to know more about us

The Voice Of Liberty® (VOLF.TV) , the news and media division of The Voice Of Liberty Foundation, is the leading news and information source for millions of people across the globe. It provides unbiased, precise, factual, reliable news, and information.

Help us deliver free and independent journalism.

We have kept our journalism open to our global readers. Neither we have put up a paywall nor we let our articles/contents get influenced by billionaire owners, or politicians like other news organisations as we believe everyone deserves access to free, independent, and unbiased journalism. We want to be a news organisation which is supported completely by its readers and viewers who want nothing in return but honest and reliable news and information.

Why you should support The Voice Of Liberty® . You should support The Voice Of Liberty® as you are the sole beneficiary of our free, Independent and unbiased journalism. Please read the points below to understand it better.

  1. Voice Of Liberty® is and wants to always remain both editorially and financially independent.
  2. Voice Of Liberty® is free from commercial bias and not influenced by billionaire owners, or politicians.
  3. No one edits our editor and no one manoeuvres our analysis and opinion.
  4. Voice Of Liberty’s independent journalism service is free for those who cannot afford it but supported by those who can.
  5. Support from our viewers and readers is decisive to keep us ever going.